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Gluten free weight loss testimonials - protein free weight loss evidences

31-01-2017 à 18:25:13
Gluten free weight loss testimonials
Gluten-free Cereal Grains Are Waging War on Your Gut. We know gut inflammation is associated with a laundry list of health issues, including cancer and early death. I have a problem, the doctor figures out what the problem is, and gives me a conventional prescription generally supported by Doctors, researchers, and the FDA. Gliadin is the prolamine in wheat, but other cereal grains common on the gluten-free diet have similar proteins that also cause problems. , so my jaw dropped when they posted this. The Gluten-Free Diet is the Wrong Prescription for Celiac Disease. Logically, removing the intruder is the first step towards treatment. Phytates Steal Vitamins and Minerals Right Under Your Nose. The University of Chicago has one of the leading treatment and research centers for Celiac disease in the U. Soy (soy milk, soy protein, soy flour, etc. The biggest problem with the Gluten-Free Diet is the reliance on processed foods that are low in nutrients and high on toxins. But the latest Celiac disease research is painting a very different picture. The Toxic Truth About Gluten-Free Food and Celiac Disease. The Soy Industry has spent a TON of time and money trying to convince us soy is healthy. This is supported by the demonstration of a normal bone mineral density up to 10 years of dietary treatment. Plant Lectins in Gluten-free Cereal Grains Are Toxic Too. Industrial seed oils (Canola oil, Rapeseed oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil). Sugar (especially high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar).

But the treatment plan is dripping in the same conventional wisdom that created the current Standard American Diet (SAD). Mainstream literature on Celiac Disease tells us that eating gluten-free is a healthy lifestyle choice and doctors regularly explain it as the only way to treat newly diagnosed Celiac Disease patients. Earlier in this series, I showed you that gluten is the toxic invader that causes Celiac disease. These proteins irritate the gut lining and sneak their way past the intestinal wall in humans and animals that eat them. Not only that, but they inhibit the enzymes we need to properly digest foods and extract nutrients from them. Yes, gluten causes Celiac Disease and it must be eliminated to treat Celiac Disease. They found that 56% had poor vitamin status, suggesting that proper nutrient uptake is not occurring. This prescription is supposed to be relatively safe and effective in accordance with the laws in the United States and most modern countries. That means after 10 years of being gluten-free, HALF of all Celiacs are likely starving for the critical nutrients required for health and longevity. The authors found an increased presence of T cells (inflammatory marker) in well-treated CD patients. The Gluten-Free Lie: Why Most Celiacs Are Slowly Dying. In fact, many types of gluten-free pasta and other packaged foods are loaded with higher concentrations of these 4 food toxins than their original counterparts. The authors found small intestine mucosal recovery occurred in only 34% of participants following a gluten-free diet for 2 years. Their intestines are on fire with inflammation even after 16 months gluten-free. The standard Gluten-Free Diet typically contains 4 specific food toxins that contribute to leaky gut, inflammation, and poor vitamin status. In another 2009 study from the American Journal of Gastroenterology, researchers looked at small intestine biopsies from 45 children with Celiac disease and 18 clinical controls. S. A 2008 study in the Journal of Inflammation looked at 18 symptom-free Celiac disease (SFCD) patients and found they still had elevated markers of gut inflammation even after 2 years on a gluten-free diet. ). Another 2010 study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology looked at 381 adults with biopsy-proven Celiac disease.

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